Preparing for Cross-team Acceptance Testing

To prepare for cross-team acceptance testing each team will need to do two steps.

  1. Ensure that your acceptance test plan spreadsheet IS UP-TO-DATE and identifies all of the user stories for Sprints 2 and 3 and includes the Acceptance Criteria for all of those stories. You should also indicate which stories you know are not yet implemented and should not be tested. You can identify the stories not to test by greying or in some way highlighting them. Make sure that the spreadsheet has a file name starting with Acceptance Test Plan.
  2. Validate that another computer on the same network can connect to your application with the IP Address and Port. It is recommended that both the application and the tests be run on lab machines.
  3. Your instructor may follow a different approach on how the cross-team testing is executed. Make sure to get clarification on this PRIOR to the session where cross-team testing will take place


Before-class Exercises

In-class Exercises